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Our Governing Body and management committee provides support, challenge and vision that will allow Brownhill federation to build and become a first class provision for pupils. The Governing Body has a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience and the commitment and motivation required to make continuous improvements.

To read more about our federation and how the Governing board/management committee works across the school to best support the pupils please follow this LINK

Statutory information must be published online and can be accessed by clicking HERE

For our Instrument of Governance please click HERE

All Governors have a 4 year term of office and are appointed by The Chair of Governors

The governing body shall consist of 13 members

–       8 Co-opted Governors

–       1 Head teacher

–       1 local authority Governor

–       2 parent Governors

–       1 staff Governor

To access Governor meeting attendance, please CLICK HERE

We are always looking to recruit new Governors with a range of expertise. Please get in touch for further information.

Governor Information

Chair of Governors

Francesca Soan – Vice Chair of Governors

Francesca is a Co-Opted member of the governors and was appointed in March 2020. Francesca is a qualified speech and language therapist who now works for the local authority as a Designated Clinical Officer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Francesca has worked with the local government association to inspect early years provision, she has worked with the BBC to develop their early years education agenda and she has advised on SEND and early years agendas across greater Manchester.

Staff governor-TBC

Stephen Le Carpentier

Stephen is a Co-Opted member of the governors and was appointed in March 2020

Stella Oldham

Stella is a Co-Opted member of the governors and was appointed in November 2011

Stella is Vice-Chair of the Resources Committee.

Stella is a qualified Youth and Community Worker, Post 16 Teacher and Careers Officer and was a member of staff at the Learning Community for over 20 years before retiring in 2021. She has been a member of the Governing Body of the School for over 10 years and is fully committed to ensuring that all pupils on the role of this organisation are given access to a full range of opportunities to ensure they can achieve their full potential and follow the career paths of their choice. Stella is an advocate of pupils having access to a full curriculum including access to Vocational opportunities to ensure they have a full and rounded view of what opportunities the wider world has to offer.

Shah Wazir

Shah is a Co-Opted member of the governors and was appointed in February 2022

Amaan Iqbal

Amaan Iqbal is a Co-Opted member of the Governors and was appointed in September 2022.  Amaan Chairs the Resources Committee.
Amaan, having been inspired by the former Assistant Director of Early Help and Schools made the decision to become a school governor. .
Having given evidence on knife crime in a national enquiry to supporting a GM wide violence reduction campaign, Amaan is committed to ensuring
safeguarding is held to a high standard. Amaan as chair of the resource committee is determined in ensuring both staff and students are impacted
positively through the proper utilisation of schools resources.

Tricia Ayrton

Tricia Ayrton is a Co-Opted member of the Governors and was appointed in September 2022.

Tricia is a Rochdale Councillor and worked for over thirty years in School Leadership in Special Education in both Rochdale and Oldham. She worked as an Every Child Matters Advocate across the North West and in that role supported schools in providing an educational experience aimed at celebrating diversity and eliminating prejudice – bringing together pupils from different educational settings and creating opportunities for advocacy.
As Assistant Portfolio holder for Climate Change and Environment she believes strongly that the battle against climate change should begin in schools with our very youngest citizens.

Julia Sandiford-Mitchell

Julia Sandiford-Mitchell is an Associate Governor and was appointed in October 2022. Julia has worked in Rochdale schools for 30yrs including 20 yrs in Headship. She is currently Headteacher at Shawclough CP and has been there for 15yrs. Shawclough is a mainstream primary with a resource based provision for children with a diagnosis of ASC. Julia has been a member of several governing bodies over the years and is totally committed to the children of Rochdale

Lindsay Torrance

Lindsay Torrance is an Associate Governor and was appointed in October 2022.

Andrew Chapman

Andrew Chapman is an Associate Governor and was appointed in October 2022.

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