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Extended Schools

Extended schools can make a significant contribution to reducing differentials and improving the quality of life for children and young people particularly from disadvantaged areas. Children who participate in extra activities can develop positive attitudes, gain enjoyment, and build confidence and self-esteem.

At Brownhill we provide a range of activities and services, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of its pupils, their families and the wider community.


  • To provide activities that enhance, extend, and compliment the curriculum
  • Children to participate and enjoy a range of safe engaging activities including residential trips.
  • To co-ordinate and provide ‘free’ clubs where possible.
  • To build relationships with other children and adults.
  • Offer a variety of sessions from within school and externally.
  • Evaluate each session, capturing pupil voice contributing to future planning
  • Make consideration to early childhood experiences and cultural capital

Brownhill is committed to continuing an exciting programme of extended school activities. The extended schools team continue to promote new initiatives, projects, and activities and look for ways of developing extended school provision. Links with outside agencies, clubs and contacts help provide and enrich the opportunities. Through monitoring and data analysis of the provision it is our aim that all children take part in the extended schools programme at some during their time at Brownhill.

Here are examples of what our students have accessed during school holidays:

Rossendale Ski Slope.


Heaton park

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