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Ms H Speakman

Heights Lane Site, Rochdale OL12 0PZ
Darnhill Site, Heywood OL10 3PY
Saxon Hall Site, Rochdale, OL16 2XW

Telephone number:
0300 3038384


Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Wendy Nicholls

Kieren Russell

Chair of Governors:
Kath Bromfield

Request for paper copies:
Paper copies of information on the website are available free of charge. Please contact us for details.

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Cover for Brownhill Learning Community
Brownhill Learning Community

Brownhill Learning Community

‘ We believe in a learning community where everyone feels valued, included and achieves.’

Parents and students from our primary have enjoyed doing a 10 week healthy cooking course with Cheryl from Your Trust. Jackie Robinson our Community Development Officer said our students and parents have enjoyed trying new recipes and after each cooking session everyone sat around the table to eat the food they had cooked together! Cheryl and Jackie gave out certificates to parents and students at the end of the 10 week course. It has been a great partnership working with the Parents, the BLC and Your Trust! We would like to say a big thank you to Cash for kids who provided the funding! #raisingrochdale ... See MoreSee Less
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#raisingrochdale #mentalhealthmatters ... See MoreSee Less
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Our year 11’s at heights lane had a wonderful rewards trip to Blackpool pleasure beach to celebrate the end of their exams a few weeks ago! #raisingrochdale ... See MoreSee Less
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A wonderful piece of work done by Alfie about his experience living with ADHD! Very insightful, thank you Alfie and well done! #raisingrochdale ... See MoreSee Less
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There are some sessions happening in and around Rochdale over the next few months that we encourage people to attend! If you would like more information please contact the groups below! Please share this post so the groups can reach a wider audience! #raisingrochdale ... See MoreSee Less
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