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Additional Funding

Pupil Premium Context

As we are one community, the budgets for both Brownhill and PRS are combined to enable us to provide education provision to meet the needs of individual pupils.

As you can see from the data, a high percentage of our cohort attract pupil premium. 

Mainstream school has not worked well for the majority of our pupils and many have poor attendance histories.  This means that there are big gaps in their learning.  When pupils start with us, we ensure that we carry our various assessments to determine their current working level.  We work closely with parents and carers to encourage good attendance and behaviour.

We have a high turnover of pupils throughout the year, new admissions and leavers are a regular occurrence.  Pupil numbers in September are always at their lowest.

Our use of pupil premium lays the foundation for our pupils to break down barriers that have stopped them achieving in the past and enjoy the teaching and learning experience in different ways to help them make the most of their academic career with us and in some cases return successfully back into mainstream school.

The majority of our pupils leave with at least 1 accreditation result and go on to further education, employment & training. 

We base the use of pupil premium using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need.  Without pupil premium funding we could not offer the range of curriculum, interventions and support

PP Statement

PE Funding

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