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Success Stories

Dylan came to us at Brownhill Learning Community half way through Year 5 and stayed with us until he left school at the end of Year 11 2021. When Dylan left us he moved onto Hopwood Hall College and accessed a Games Development course.  He has an Education Health Care Plan which helps with his support needs at college.

Dylan was extremely anxious about leaving Brownhill and steps were taken to take him into the Rochdale Campus of Hopwood Hall to meet the staff who would be supporting him and to look around the college at the different places he would frequent, at the Campus, when he started in the September of the new college academic year.  This alleviated some of the pressure he was feeling. When Dylan started college in the September 2021 he initially spent time getting to know the new environment and as time passed he made new friends.  They would go to the college canteen for lunch and this progressed onto going off campus to Asda, then Subway and then further into Rochdale shopping.  At the end of every term they all go out for a meal.

Dylan has really enjoyed doing his course and although occasionally he was a little anxious about meeting deadlines for coursework he managed to get required work in on time.  To his credit Dylan was awarded a certificate for ‘Best Progress Award’ for Level 2 Games Development.

In September 2022 Dylan progresses onto the Level 3 Games Development Course which is two years; he is looking forward to it and his friends will also be continuing on the same pathway which he is pleased about as well. Dylan is continuing to do well and the future is looking good. We at Brownhill wish him happiness and success in all that his future holds.

Well done Dylan!

My experience at Brownhill School Heights Lane Site.

My experience in mainstream school was not a positive one, I made some extremely wrong choices that led me to become a student at Brownhill. Initially I made the wrong choices at Brownhill too. I would spend a lot of time on the corridor instead of in class. At the end of year 10 I realised that this behaviour was not going to get me anywhere in life so, I decided to change my ways. Hopefully now, I will be leaving school this summer with several good quality GCSE results.

The exams I have sat are –

  • GCSE English
  • GSCE Maths
  • GSCE Human biology
  • Functional Skills Level 1 in maths and English
  • Entry Level 3 in maths and English
  • C.E. Qualification in Motor Vehicles (Mechanic)

Being at Brownhill has made me improve in several ways including being more independent; being more confident; the school has made me improve my social skills; I am more amiable; my personal life and mental health increased so much to which end I am now more happy and content, I am also more mature as a person. In the future I wish to enrol in the British Armed Forces and specialise in weapons and vehicle maintenance. I am attending Hopwood Hall college in September studying Uniformed Public Services.

I now have a future.

Kian Cuddihy

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